2023 Hugo Awards
Best Fan Writer Finalist
Reading Pack

Cover Artist: COCO (宫可可)
is a Chinese SFF fandom history digger, a "fan of fans". Before he got into fandom, he suffered from a severe allergic disease.
In 2020, with the support and encouragement of some Chinese SF fans, he began to do all kinds of history excavation work, and took this opportunity to become an explorer to the history of Chinese sci-fi fandom, with an emphasis on the sci-fi societies in Chinese universities and their fanzines.
He is also a volunteer working on the Chinese Science Fiction Database (CSFDB) project.
He interviewed more than 80 science fiction fans/writers/editors/collectors/critics/organizers of science fiction events over the past three years.
He is the editor-in-chief of the Chinese fanzine Zero Gravity (零重力报,which is also a hugo nominee this year) and wrote The History of University Science Fiction Association (中国高校科幻协会发展, 2022).
In 2023, he launched the "College SF Societies Study Tour" from April 30th to July 16th (interrupted, 46 days in total), travelling through the capital of 16 provinces in China, learned about sci-fi societies in 63 universities, met nearly 300 fans offline, walked an average of 10,000 steps a day, and accumulated 20,000 words of text and 2,000 photos.